Why did the Lost Boys have to run away from their homes?
In their homeland, Sudan, they had to run away because there was a war was going on between the Muslims, and the Christians, and the Animists, and there was a law formed that all boys, of all ages, were to be killed. So the Lost Boys had to walk over 1,000 miles to get to Ethiopia to get away from the war.
Why couldn't they stay in Ethiopia?
The Lost Boys couldn't stay in Ethiopia because the Ethiopia government collapsed.
What was the refugee camp like?
The Lost Boys had a small amount of food, for them but were very appreciative , because they had not had that in a while. They had clothes for them and some of them had the advantage to come to America. It was not their normal life in Sudan, but it was better than being killed in the war and not having food and drink, like they didn't have in Ethiopia. In the refugee camp located in Kenya, they entertained themselves with song, chess, and other activities. On days that they did not have food, they entertained themselves by standing and sitting in a circle and making jokes and singing songs.